How to Keep Bugs Away When Camping

How to Keep Bugs Away When Camping

Taking a camping trip is arguably the best possible way to unwind and unplug from all of modern life’s distractions and escape the technology overload so many people face. However, getting out and exploring nature means dealing with a wide variety of pesky insects...
What can you eat to deter mosquitoes?

What can you eat to deter mosquitoes?

One sure tell-tale sign that winter has lost its grip is when those annoying mosquitoes start buzzing around and biting, and the irritation they cause doesn’t end there. Along with their trademark red and itchy welts resulting from the female’s bite, recent statistics...
Summer Family Outdoor Activities

Summer Family Outdoor Activities

For those not keen on winter sports, like skiing or snowmobiling, the winter months seem to drag on forever. However, now that Old Man Winter has gone on his yearly sabbatical, it is time to get the family outside for some summer fun! Studies have shown that families...
Make Outdoor Time Family Time

Make Outdoor Time Family Time

As the world becomes increasingly obsessed with digital devices, researchers have begun studying the effects of people spending less time outdoors. Most adults over 30 can remember playing outside as a child until well after dark when Mom or Dad said it was time to...
Interesting Facts About Mosquitoes

Interesting Facts About Mosquitoes

When people think of dangerous animals, they usually conjure visions of lions, tigers, and bears. Still, one animal is even more dangerous than all of those put together. In addition to being one of the most annoying creatures to ever inhabited the Earth with their...