Outdoor Date Ideas

Outdoor Date Ideas

Cuddling up on the couch with your sweetheart and watching a good movie or favorite TV show is always a great go-to date. However, as romantic as it is, this type of date night does tend to get a little stale after a while, and you may need to come up with something...
Ways to Ward Off Black Flies

Ways to Ward Off Black Flies

Whether out for a jaunt in the woods or just trying to enjoy a backyard barbecue, black flies can be a pesky problem when you are outside. Also referred to as buffalo or turkey gnats, there are over 250 kinds of black flies in North America alone and over 2,000...
Warm Winter Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

Warm Winter Vacation Destinations in the U.S.

Some people who live in the northern regions of the U.S. look forward to the winter months, while others just try to bear it until the earth’s north pole tips back towards the sun. If you are a die-hard winter-sports enthusiast, you may not want to miss a minute of...