Everything You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself Against Lyme Disease

Everything You Need to Know About Protecting Yourself Against Lyme Disease

When exploring outside, whether it’s an epic adventure or a backyard BBQ - getting sick is usually the last thing we worry about. Biting bugs carrying disease can end up anywhere, which is why we’ve seen a rise in Lyme disease cases. Lyme disease is an illness spread by the bite of a deer tick, also known as a black-legged tick, infected with one of the four bacteria that causes the disease.

The number one way to protect yourself against Lyme disease is to avoid getting bitten by ticks in the first place, and the number one way to accomplish that is by always using tick repellent anytime you go outdoors where ticks may be found. Read on to learn how to prevent tick bites, including by using an effective tick repellent.

Use a Family-Friendly Tick Repellent
Your best protection against Lyme disease and Lyme-carrying ticks is a tick repellent with at least a 20% concentration of picaridin concentration, an alternative to DEET that's equally as effective. Picaridin is also an option for those looking for an effective tick repellent that can also protect children and pets from possible exposure to ticks.

Stick to the Trails
Whenever walking in a tick-infested or high-risk area, always keep to the trails and walking paths, avoiding long grass and low bushes. Ticks often like to attach themselves to the ends of weeds and grass in order to easily attach themselves to passing humans or animals.

Cover Your Skin
Exposed skin is one of the highest risk factors for tick bites when walking in tick-infested areas. Therefore, always cover up well anytime you're in such an area. Wear closed shoes, long sleeves, and long pants. Tuck the cuffs of your pants into your socks, and wear a hat and gloves.

Watch Your Pets
Your pets can carry ticks on their skin and coats into your home or vehicle and transmit them to you. Be careful when walking or playing with your pet in heavily grassy or wooded areas, and always check his or her coat for ticks thoroughly before you bring him or her indoors. When walking your dog in a tick-infested area, keep him or her on a leash.

Tick-proof Your Yard
Make your yard an unfriendly habitat for ticks by clearing all leaves and brush where they may live. Keep your lawn mown, and stack any firewood in a dry, sunny area to discourage tick-carrying rodents.

Check Yourself
Anytime you've been in a high-risk area for ticks, check your body and clothes closely for ticks before entering your vehicle or coming inside. If you find a tick, remove it gently but firmly with tweezers, taking care not to crush it or detach its head.

Never assume that you're immune to Lyme disease, even if you've already had it. You can contract Lyme disease more than once. Protect yourself and those you love from this terrible illness, starting first and foremost by using quality tick repellent like Proven Repellent, an odorless tick repellent, every time you go outdoors into a high-risk area.















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