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Five Ways to Help Repel Deer and Horse Flies

As annoying as Deer and Horse Flies can be, they should never ruin our outdoor fun! Instead, here are five easy ways you can help repel those pests from your environment and enjoy the great outdoors bite-free.
1. Insect Protection Spray
Of course, putting on some quality insect repellent before you go outdoors can go a long way toward keeping biting flies away from you, even if you do enter their territory.
For an repellent effective in repelling deer and horse flies, try Proven Repellent. And since it contains no DEET, it's a best insect repellent for children and beloved furry companions.
2. Keep Away
Biting flies are extraordinarily territorial creatures, meaning that, if you encounter any, chances are you've entered their territory. Simply by creating some distance between yourself and that area, say 10 or 15 feet, you could avoid being bothered by them altogether.
Just be aware that you cannot outrun biting flies, so don't even bother trying. In fact, read the next tip to discover how doing just the opposite could help keep those critters from biting you.
3. Stay Still
Biting flies are attracted to motion, so any movements you make in their presence will only alert them to your presence and make you seem all the more interesting as either a food source or a mortal threat.
So, the next time a biting fly comes near you, try to avoid giving in to the compulsion to run, and, instead, try standing perfectly still. The creature may grow bored of you and move on to more interesting stimuli.
4. Stay Away From Water
Biting flies begin their lives as larvae in wetland spaces and the muddy edges of ponds and banks of streams. As such, you can expect to find biting flies in abundance anywhere you find water. To avoid entering a prolific biting-fly habitat, keep away from:
- Ponds
- Lakes
- Rivers
- Streams
- Marshes
- Standing water (such as a puddle)
5. Wear a Hat
Sufficiently covering up your body with clothing before heading outdoors is one of the most effective methods of protecting yourself against biting flies. While long sleeves on your shirts and pants could go a long way toward dissuading biting flies from bothering you, particularly effective against horse flies and deer flies is wearing a hat on your head.
The reason? Biting flies like these appear to be attracted to the backside of the head. In fact, they will try to bite your scalp by burrowing into your hair.
For added protection, consider a hat with a brim to discourage flies from congregating around your ears, face, and neck as well.