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Increased outdoor activity means exposure to ticks

Insect repellents
Most insect repellants have used DEET as the active ingredient. However, a new range of health conscious and highly effective insect repellent sprays and lotions are available. The product line, Proven Repellent, utilizes the active ingredient Saltidin (Picaridin), which is recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), World Health Organization and CDC as an effective repellent. A 20 percent concentration of Saltidin is more effective and longer-lasting than the higher concentrations of DEET and non-toxic. This product is made in the USA at EPA-approved factories and it provides 12-14 hours of protection against disease-carrying insects without the concern of harmful side effects that DEET has.
Proven repellents have been tested to effectively repel mosquitos, ticks, black flies, biting flies, stable flies, ants, gnats, chiggers, sand flies and no-see-ums. Recently there has been warranted concern about certain varieties of ticks and mosquitos known to carry deadly and debilitating diseases. Proven repellents protect from species carrying Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, Powassan Virus and tick-borne Encephalitis.
Saltidin’s molecular structure is modeled after piperidine, a colorless organic compound found in the black pepper plant. While derived from natural and plant-based origins, it’s a manufactured ingredient. Saltidin has near-ideal cosmetic properties and is compatible with skin, textiles, gear and plastic materials. Despite its known efficacy, DEET is a toxic chemical. Proven is non-toxic, gentle on skin and harbors none of the adverse impacts to the nervous system that DEET can have. Additionally, the repellency lasts for 12 hours in the spray and 14 hours in the lotion, so there is limited need for reapplication. For those outdoor enthusiasts worried about their gear, Proven is gear-safe and will not melt or damage plastics like DEET can.
Worry-free outdoor enjoyment
“We understand that many people prefer all-natural products when available. However, if they aren’t effective, the tendency is to return to DEET,” said Emily Dix, operations manager at Proven. “In the current environment, when insect-borne illnesses are on the rise, we wanted to come to the table with a truly effective repellent that was still mindful of health. Something we would want to put on our own bodies and our children’s. When we began developing Proven, we kept coming back to the idea of ‘worry-free outdoor enjoyment.’ Remove the worry of disease, remove the worry of toxic exposure, remove the worry of being pestered and eaten by annoying insects, if nothing else. Enjoy the best parts of being outdoors. The testing and proven efficacy of these products are so solid, and we feel proud and excited to be able to offer this effective alternative to consumers.” Available in odorless or gently scented formulas, the non-greasy Proven insect repellent sprays and lotions are sold at several outlets or can also be purchased online in a range of sizes at
Read the whole article here: Farm and Ranch Guide