The world’s deadliest animals

The world’s deadliest animals

Sharks, grizzly bears and big cats may strike fear into your heart and brain, but they do not even come close to being the deadliest animals on earth. The world’s deadliest animal is the Mosquito. As you can see mosquitoes are not just annoying little buzzing, biting...
Why do mosquito bites itch?

Why do mosquito bites itch?

Why do mosquito bites itch so badly? And why do they swell?! If you are wondering how such a small insect can cause such incessant itching and swelling, the first thing to know is that mosquitoes don’t actually bite you. Instead, mosquitoes have a long tube attached...
6 Great questions about mosquitoes

6 Great questions about mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are confusing little creatures. But there is some science behind their madness. Below you will find the 6 most frequently asked questions about mosquitoes, and ways to avoid them (not the questions…the mosquitoes)! 1) Are mosquitoes attracted to water? Yes....